writing tips
The top three things which cause me to throw a book across the room
So the title is somewhat exaggerated. I don’t really throw books across the room, but when faced with any of the below, I most certainly close them with disgust. As nearly every fiction writer, I’m a reader first. And in my reading journey, I’ve come across many lapses of writerly/editorial judgement. Many forgivable. Most forgettable. … Continue reading The top three things which cause me to throw a book across the room
BOOKISH TAKE launching on YouTube on 1st of March!
So in the last few weeks I’ve been cooking up something very exciting with my fellow Angry Robot author, Caroline Hardaker (Whose intimate dystopian tale, Composite Creatures, comes out in April 2021)! We have put together a mini-series of YouTube videos called Bookish Take, where we chat about our writing journey, from the initial idea, … Continue reading BOOKISH TAKE launching on YouTube on 1st of March!